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Why Should I Use JSON Format

One of the most important features for any website is to be able to load data quickly and asynchronously without delaying page rendering. These capabilities are the ones that raise the JSON importance nowadays. JSON is one of the cool data formats for accessing, storing, and comprehending data.

JSON syntax is very easy to use. You can parse the JSON data in a matter of seconds. Since its syntax is very small and lightweight it executes the response in a faster way. It has a wide range of supported browser compatibility with the operating systems. The application made with the coding of JSON doesn't require much effort to make it all browser compatible.

Moreover, since JSON stores the data in the Arrays, data transfer with JSON is much easier. This is the reason JSON is a superior format for Web APIs and Web development.

JSON maps very easily onto the data structures used by most programming languages like Numbers, Strings, Booleans, Nulls, Arrays, etc. Now given that it was originally based on a subset of JavaScript, so it’s natively supported by JavaScript. However, it is language-independent, so in general, JSON is supported by nearly all major programming languages like Java, C#, Objective-C, and so on.

As a developer, we have used JSON in many websites, mobile applications, REST APIs, databases, and much more. But it has some pros and cons also. As we know, JSON is compact and human readability is great for debugging and monitoring purposes.

JSON has really good tooling support, you can easily find any third-party editing tools for editing the JSON but it makes a poor choice for large production data. It doesn't have a schema which can sometimes lead to errors being introduced accidentally. It has no error handling for JSON calls.

Why to Use JSON Format

Next is JSON has limited supported data types. For example, there are no specific data types for date and time. Another one is if you are dumping the data into flat files your system has no real support for concurrently accessing those files. You would have to implement that logic all by yourself.

The last one is JSON is not fully secure. It can be quite dangerous when used with untrusted services because a JSON service writes a JSON response wrapped in a function call, which will be executed by the caller application. If it will be used from untrusted sources then it can be hacked. And as a result, it makes your application vulnerable. Web API Document Parser SDK

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