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JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is indeed an established standardized data type and database exchange form that stores and transmits data elements made up of attribute-value combinations and ranges using human-readable fonts (or other serializable values). This is a widely used document format with a wide variety of data transfer capabilities, along with the interaction between web apps and servers.

JSON Advantages

JSON consumes less storage than XML and enables hierarchical records. It was also intended to make parsing inputs into local Javascript structures easier, making it particularly helpful for online apps. It’s similar to CSV because it’s accessible and concise, but it also includes hierarchical data like XML. JSON formats are only roughly two times as big as CSV formats, unlike XML.

JSON Disadvantages

Such file format isn’t as widely supported as XML. Because JSON is a fresher format than XML, there are fewer APIs available to change JSON to local programming languages. This is evolving quickly, as modern APIs and extensions accept both XML and JSON.


CSV (Comma-separated Values) document is a textual format with variables split by commas. Every entry in the document corresponds to an information set. All documents have more than one section, which is divided by commas. The title for this data type comes from the fact that it uses a punctuation mark as a section separator. In a CSV format, statistical data (numeric and textual) is commonly stored in simple text, with the exact quantity of sections on every line.

CSV Advantages

CSV is the smallest of the three types. CSV forms are typically around 50% less the size of XML and JSON forms. CSV has a significant benefit in that it could greatly decrease bandwidth usage

CSV Disadvantages

CSV is not very often used as compared to XML and JSON. This is because converting CSV input to a local data model necessitates the usage of a custom parser. As a result, if the data model alters, your parsers will need to be changed or possibly wholly redesigned.


XML (The Extensible Markup Language) is a markup format that specifies a list of norms for encoding content in a human and computer format. XML is defined by the Globe Online Consortium’s XML 1.0 Standard from 1998, as well as several specific additional relevant specs (all of which are freely accessible standards).

XML's architectural objectives prioritize clarity, universality, and Web accessibility. It's a written document type that supports a wide range of human dialects supported by Unicode. XML is frequently employed to encode random information structures, like those utilized in online services, even though it was designed with articles in mind.

XML Advantages

XML format fully supports nested data types, making it ideal for processing complicated information as a solution. It’s also incredibly understandable by humans. XML readers are inbuilt in almost all browsers and enable users to analyze XML data. Since XML was the initial universal hierarchical data structure, several APIs include changing XML data files into local programming languages such as objects.

XML Disadvantages

This data type is approximately three thrice the size of CSV. This is because all input components contain an open and close attribute label.

Knowing the Best

Whether you’re developing a thin consumer online program or a thick consumer server program, you’ll make queries to an internet server at a sufficient and want acceptable structured data for results. CSV, XML, and JSON are the three most common input standards used to send information from a web server to a consumer. Understanding the distinctions between these formats and understanding when and how to utilize them is important while developing a program with a robust design.

JSON is the most satisfactory data communication standard to date, as a rule of thumb. It's portable, delicate, and adaptable. If you're transferring a lot of information and have a limited quantity of connections, CSV is the way to go. Because it is so easily adaptable for content markups, XML might no longer be utilized as a data exchange format.

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