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Essential Secrets of JSON - Introduction to JSON

Course Overview

Welcome to this course Essential Secrets of JSON. ByteScout JSON is one of the most popular formats for serializing data into objects and is commonly used by many developers especially for talking to front-end web applications.

Now for any web application, one of the most important things is to be able to load data quickly and asynchronously without delaying page rendering. This capability is among the ones that raise the importance of JSON nowadays. Let's explore how JSON works and what we can do with JSON. Some of the major topics you will learn about in this course are as follows:

First, we will see what is JSON and why JSON appears. Then we will see why we should use JSON and how it differs from XML and its advantages over XML. We will dig deeper into the JSON specification and explore JSON in more detail like how to create JSON with an object inside or Array inside. We will convert a JSON string to an object and convert an object back to a string in chrome developer tools using JavaScript.

We'll see how to beautify JSON data using utilities provided by ByteScout and also see some gotchas or common mistakes generally developers make in JSON. We will read and manipulate JSON data using the Web API provided by ByteScout. In this course, I will assume that you have some degree of technical experience in JavaScript and REST API.

Introduction to JSON

Now let’s start by defining what exactly JSON is. One of the must-know subjects for you as a software developer is how to work with JSON because it is used practically in almost all modern applications.

So what is JSON? It is an acronym and the name JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a language-independent data interchange format that is used to transmit and store serialized information. JSON data can be converted from a string to an object and from an object back to a string.

Essential Secrets of JSON

The beauty of JSON is that it's an open standard and it is human-readable text. This text is organized into a data object as a key-value pair. Now even though it originates from the JavaScript ecosystem, you don't need to use JavaScript to work with JSON.

JSON Essentials

This is an example of JSON, as you can see here we have key-value pairs, Arrays, and dates. It supports Booleans, Nulls, and nested objects. This is the basic building block of JSON. Now let's take a look at some of the key concepts of JSON. Web API Document Parser SDK

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